- 1h
- 10m
- 1m
WeLcOmE tO tHe DaRk CaRnIvAl
Gamzee (Along with the other Makaras) have gone Sober....And everything is falling to pieces...
You wake up chained to a wall with blood dripping down your forehead...You can hear the screaming of other trolls as they are brutally beaten to death right above you.You look around your cell and notice the blood dripping from the ceiling,causing drops that echo throughout the chamber.You can also hear the opening of cell doors and the sounds of feet dragging across the rocky concrete floor.Organ music constantly drones on in the distance,And you can hear a horn honking right beside you.Will this be your final resting place?Only time will tell...
'Ello! Your'e there!
Where the lame can walk
and the blind can see
But the dead don't talk
So you won't be around to reveal what you have found.
We have a method for spies and intruders
Rather like hornets protecting their hive
Here in the Court of Miracles
Where its a Miracle if you
GeT oUt AlIvE
Comments for "WeLcOmE tO tHe DaRk CaRnIvAl"
License details for "WeLcOmE tO tHe DaRk CaRnIvAl"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Circus Organ (Distant) by beatnikhannah +)
- Chains rattle by By daveinCamas - www.freesound.org +)
- Knife Sharpening by Corsica S of the Freesound Project +)
- Ambient Sewer by D W - Freesound +)
- Clown laugh by scotcampbell from http://freesound.org +)
- Bike Honk by stickinthemud from http://freesound.org +)
- Agony Screams a by Than van Nispen and FreqMan of the Freesound Project +)
- Dungeon Door Open by Unknown +)