- 1h
- 10m
- 1m
MirrorWorld - Thorns & Teeth
The forest was one of the former royal woods that had for a long time been the exclusive hunting grounds of the Lotharainian nobility. Since then they had also provided wood for the factories and the railways. This one, however, was still nearly as dense as it had been in the old days, and it reminded Nerron of the stone forests beneath the earth, which filled enormous caves with branches of garnet and leaves of the same malachite that ran through his skin.
The wolves would soon catch the scent of his blood. These woods were home to an infamous pack that had been accustomed to human flesh by a local nobleman who used to feed his enemies to them.
The wolf’s breath stank of the rotting flesh that was lodged between its teeth. The eyes were nearly as golden as the Goyl’s. Jacob had heard of the wolves in these parts. Supposedly, they took their victims even from their beds and parlours. Not important – Jacob knew this was going to be messy. Maybe drowning wouldn’t have been such a bad death after all.
There were now five wolves circling him. He tried to free one hand to get to his knife, but the choke vine dug its thorns into his flesh so relentlessly that the pain drew out a suppressed cry.
Scream, Jacob. Why not? Maybe Fox will hear you. No. She was probably already in Gargantua, waiting. What would she do if he didn’t turn up? Search for him, as the Goyl had said? But surely not for the rest of her life. The vixen would find out quickly enough what had happened to him. The thought was consoling in a way.
One of the wolves dragged its tongue over Jacob’s face, getting a taste. Jacob tried to free at least one leg so he could kick at it, but the thorns clawed even deeper into his flesh.
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License details for "MirrorWorld - Thorns & Teeth"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- wolf howl by Gorgoroth6669 from http://freesound.org +)
- Angry dog snarl by https://www.freesound.org/people/Jaylew1987/ +)
- Suffering From Pain (M) by milnersouza from http://freesound.org +)
- Wolf Growl by newagesoup on freesound.org +)
- Giant Wolf Growl by Pig_catapult (this edit), Newagesoup from http://freesound.org (original) +)
- Evening In the Forest by reinsamba from freesound.org +)
- Leaves rustling by www.soundsnap.com *)
- Heavy breathing Longer by youtube +)
*) Soundsnap.com license