Lorelei attack while traveling by ferry ambience - MirrorWorld novel series
- 1h
- 10m
- 1m
Lorelei Attack - MirrorWorld
Lorelei. Jacob looked at the languid water. His grandfather had sometimes sung him a song about Lorelei. The words had made him shudder as a child, but the stories told about the Lorelei in this world were even more sinister.
A voice wafted across the water. At first it sounded like a bird singing, but then more and more like a woman's voice. The voice coming from the direction of the rocks that protruded from the water to their left, gray boulders that made it seem as if the twilight itself had been turned to stone. A shape moved on the rock and slid into the water. A second followed. And then they were everywhere. The voices grew so loud that Jacob could hear them through the earplugs, luring him into the water. Clara pulled him back from the guardrail, but the singing seeped through his skin like sweet venom. Heads emerged from the waves, hair drifting on the water like spun gold, and as Clara let go of him for one second to press her hands over her own aching ears, Jacob felt his fingers reaching for the protective wax, pulling it out of his ears and throwing it overboard.
The singing ran through his brain like honey-coated knives. Clara tried to hold him back as he staggered toward the edge of the ferry, but Jacob shoved her away so hard that she stumbled against the ferryman. Where were they? Jacob leaned over the water, and at first he saw only his own reflection, but then it melted into a face. It looked like the face of a woman except it didn't have a nose. The eyes were silver, and fangs pushed over the pale green lips. Arms reached out of the river, and fingers closed around Jacob's wrist. Another hand grabbed his hair. Water lapped into the ferry. The were everywhere, reaching out for him, their scaly bodies pushed halfway out of the water, their teeth bared. Lorelei. Much worse than the song. Reality always was so much worse.
Fox dug her teeth into one of the scaly arms that had grabbed him, but the other Lorelei were already pulling Jacob over the guardrail. He struggled against them, but finally he lost his footing. Then he heard a shot, and the mermaid sank back into the murky water, a gaping hole in her head.
Clara was standing behind him, holding the pistol he had given her. She shot another Lorelei who tried to pull the Dwarf into the water. The ferryman got two with a knife, and Jacob himself killed one that had struck her claws into Fox's hide. As the dead bodies drifted through the water, the other Lorelei backed off and set about devouring their dead kin. The sight made Clara drop the pistol. She buried her face in her hands while Jacob and Valiant calmed the panicked horses and helped the ferryman steer the wildly pitching boat toward the jetty. The Lorelei screamed after them, but now their voices merely sounded like a swarm of shrieking gulls.
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License details for "Lorelei Attack - MirrorWorld"

Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
- Splash by Daveincamas from http://freesound.org +)
- Ocean Waves Extended by How's +)
- Splash by Lukeirl from http://freesound.org +)
- 5 minutes of pirate ship sound by salty sam +)
- gun shot by soundbible.com +)
- Splash by Soundscalpel.com from http://freesound.org +)
- Siren Song by youtube +)