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Inside Hardy's Blue Chalet
It could be morning, noon, afternoon, evening or night, whatever you're feeling for the moment, but one thing is clear; DI Hardy is asleep, weather he's next to you, or in the other room is of your choice (I wont tell anyone ;D)
You can of course make him shut up if the snoring annoys you, just click the "mute button" bellow, (Ellie Miller wishes for one of those button for christmas)
You can also change sound effects, for example, "Page flip" + "stearing in a cup"
- "Snoring" to make it sound like Hardy is reading and drinking his disgusting microwaved bag-tea with milk in it.
Or just mute him in general if he's being Mr. Shitface at the moment.
Have a lovely moment with Alec Hardy around.
Comments for "Inside Hardy's Blue Chalet"
License details for "Inside Hardy's Blue Chalet"

This atmosphere sound has been released under the
Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License.
List of audio files used:
- 741Hz by Alex_Trux *)
- Man clearing his throat by DarkDeej +)
- Snoring by +)
- Seagulls in the distance by inchadney from +)
- Pebble Beach by odilonmarcenarowav from +)
- Blowing Wind by Unknown +)
- Rain on a tin roof by Virtual Sound Company +)
- air-conditioner_humm by +)
+) Creative Commons Sampling Plus 1.0 License
*) license
*) license
Image from: Garry Knight